Toshiaki Deto
Chairman, The Green Activities Promotion Bureau
Shin-Etsu Polymer group recognizes that the work for environmental conservation is the one of most priority issues for our operation. So that we are working hard to become a part of building recycling economic society through our responsibilities required.
- We are rebuilding the organization and systems to work for efficient and continuous environmental activities.
- We observe law and regulations for resource conservation, energy saving,waste reduction, recycling and the proper handling of environmentally harmful substances. In addition, we set challenging goals and try to achieve it within our own manner in technical and economic resources.
- We evaluate the environmental impacts of all phases from purchase and production through usage and disposal during the new products development stage and thus reduce its environmental impact.
- We strive for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity by understanding and evaluating the impact on ecosystems from business activities, and by reducing this impact.
- We provide internal education programs to achieve understanding and awareness of basic environmental policies for all employees.
- We disclose the information of our environmental activities and make efforts to coexist with the community.