The following is a list of frequently asked questions and answers from shareholders and investors.
Please refer below.
When was Shin-Etsu Polymer listed?
Shin-Etsu Polymer was listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in December 1983, and was later promoted to the First Section in September 1985. In April 2022, Shin-Etsu Polymer transferred to the Prime Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Number of Securities Identification Code?
Securities identification code is 7970.
How many shares are in one trading unit?
100 shares. The number of shares in one trading unit was changed from 1,000 shares to 100 shares on January 4, 2006.
What is the schedule for the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders?
The schedule for the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders is as follows every year.
Early June: Notice of Convocation of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders is issued (to shareholders with voting rights)
Late June: Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders is held
After the close of the general meeting, a Notice of the Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and a Report is sent to all shareholders.
Who is the shareholder registry administrator?
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. also acts as an agent for transactions involving the Company's shares.
When is the date for determining shareholders eligible to receive dividends?
March 31 each year for the year-end dividend and September 30 each year for the interim dividend
Do you have a shareholder benefit program?
Not at present
When does you fiscal year end?
March 31 each year
How has the Company performed over the past few years?
Please refer to the "Financial Highlights" section.
When do you announce your financial results?
Every year, we plan to announce first-quarter results in July, interim results in October, third-quarter results in January and full-year results in April. Please see the "IR Events" section for further details.
Is the latest financial information and past performance data available?
You can download materials from the "IR Library" section.